Precalculus by Askey and Wu

Many years back, Professor Richard Askey sent me hard copies of some notes he had made, with a supplement by  H. Wu. I think these notes are just wonderful, and am placing them here.

Review of Pre-Calculus by Richard Askey and H. Wu
Precalculus - Further Notes by Richard Askey

Punya - A nearly Palindromic poem


your palindromes,
the poetry,
ambigrammed symmetry.
An inspiration-
your blog.
Hope you keep up with
your slog.
the perspiration:
programmed asymmetry,
but palindromes!


This was inspired by a blog post by Punya, about an 8th grader who loved his palindromic poetry. The associated facebook page attracted some comments admiring Punya, including a little palindromic poem by me. 

While I am not an 8th grader anymore, I do feel many times that I am still in 12th grade. 
So, I thought of a  
nearly-palindromic poem. 

So near a palindromic poem, yet far from it. The first of its kind. Enjoy. Or not.

Identities and Mathematical Intuition: Talk in DPS - Dwarka to DPS Math Teachers

On April 18th, I gave a talk on Identities to Delhi Public School (DPS) Math teachers  attending a training conference/workshop. The teachers were from DPSs all over the country and teach in senior school (XIth-XIIth).

The overall idea of the talk was to organize information about identities according to the three kinds of mathematical intuition I have spoken about earlier. The three kinds of mathematical intuition are: Symbolic, graphical or physical intuition, and structural intuition. These are motivated by the following quote:
…some mathematicians are more endowed with the talent of making pictures, others with that of juggling symbols and yet others with the ability of picking a flaw in an argument.
~Gian Carlo Rota